Although our GSM center is funded soley on donations and the gifts of those who agree to partner with us, our services are avalable without charge to anyone regardless
of ethnic back-ground, religious, sexual, or political preference or the ability to make a donation.
GSM Walla Walla also offers open Weekly Support Groups
General Support Group
Open to everyone- Meets 4:00-5:30 p.m. each Monday except for Holidays, and the month of August
This group is designed to be a safe place where people can share their challenges, struggles and victories.
The format can fluctuate from topical teaching and discussions to personal sharing.
Participants are encouraged to support one another without judgment and/ or the attempt to fix each other----
Men's Support Group
Meets 6:00-7:30 p.m. each Tuesday
"The counseling process can be short or it can be a long, difficult journey made
with a person in need. It involves two or more people traveling together: a wise and
willing helper friend, and a person or persons in need. It often involves other people
joining them for part of the journey. People can join them to provide services,
such as a physician to clarify information, or a pastor or friend to provide the structure
needed for a greater picture. The journey will be finished when the growth is sufficint
for the needy to go on alone, always realizing that the Holy Spirit is the true counselor,
and that the client's true strength comes from the reality of God with us."
Bettie P Mitchell